



第2条 本会が利用者からご提供いただいた個人情報は、以下の目的で収集・利用します。

第3条 本会では、利用者がサービスの利用登録をする際に氏名、生年月日、住所、電話番号、メールアドレス等の個人情報を収集することがあります。また、利用者と提携先等との間でなされた利用者の個人情報を含む取引記録や決済に関する情報を、本会の提携先から収集することがあります。

第4条 本会は,利用目的が変更前と関連性を有すると合理的に認められた場合に限り、個人情報の利用目的を変更するものとします。なお、利用目的の変更を行った場合は、変更後の目的について、本会所定の方法により利用者本人に通知し、本会ウェブサイトおよび、会員情報システム上に公表します。

第5条 本会は、第1条にて定める個人情報を、第2条にて定める利用目的のために、当該会員が所属する都道府県(診療)放射線技師会と共同利用します。

第6条 本会は、次に掲げる場合を除いて、あらかじめ利用者の同意を得ることなく、第三者に個人情報を提供することはありません。
2 前項の定めにかかわらず、次に掲げる場合には、当該情報の提供先は第三者に該当しないものとします。

第7条 本会は、個人情報を適切に管理し、個人情報の漏洩、滅失、毀損等の防止に努め、適正な安全対策を講じます。
2 本会ウェブサイトおよび、会員情報システム上のリンク先の外部ウェブサイトの利用における個人情報の取り扱いについては、本会は責任を負いかねます。

第8条 本会は、利用者本人から個人情報の開示を求められたときは、利用者本人からの申出であることを確認のうえ、個人情報保護法の定めに従い、遅滞なくこれを開示します。ただし、開示することにより次のいずれかに該当する場合は、その全部または一部を開示しないこともあり、開示しない決定をした場合には、その旨を遅滞なく通知します。
2 前項の定めにかかわらず、利用者に関する情報が第三者に渡る可能性がある場合には、その旨を本人に通知します。その際、利用者は個人情報の共有を拒否することができます。

第9条 利用者は、本会の保有する自己の個人情報が誤った情報である場合には、本会が定める手続きにより、本会に対して個人情報の訂正、追加または削除(以下、「訂正等」という。)を請求することができます。
2 本会は、利用者から前項の請求を受けてその請求に応じる必要があると判断した場合には、遅滞なく、当該個人情報の訂正等を行うものとします。
3 本会は、前項の定めに基づき訂正等を行った場合、または訂正等を行わない旨の決定をしたときは遅滞なく、これを利用者に通知します。

第10条 本ポリシーの内容は、法令その他本ポリシーに別段の定めのある事項を除いて、利用者に通知することなく、変更することができるものとします。
2 本会が別途定める場合を除いて、変更後の個人情報保護方針は、理事会の承認を得て当サイトに掲載したときから効力を生じるものとします。

第11条 本ポリシーに関するお問い合わせは、下記の窓口までお願いいたします。

公益社団法人日本診療放射線技師会 事務局
〒108-0073 東京都港区三田 1-4-28 三田国際ビル22階
電話 03(4226)2211
メールアドレス info@jart.or.jp

会 長  上 田 克 彦

Privacy Policy (English)

Privacy Policy
Established March 25, 2014
Revised October 3, 2020
The Japan Association of Radiological Technologists (hereinafter referred to as "JART") hereby establishes the following Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as "Policy") with which it will comply in handling of personal information concerning JART members and users of activities conducted and services provided by the JART (hereinafter referred to as "Users").

Article 1. Personal information
As used herein, "personal information" refers to "personal information" as described in the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, specifically information concerning living individuals that contains names, dates of birth, addresses, telephone numbers, contact information, or other descriptions etc. that could be used to identify specific individuals and data concerning appearances or other attributes that could be used to identify specific individuals (personally identifying information).

Article 2. Purposes of collection and use of personal information
The JART shall collect and use personal information provided by Users for the following purposes:
(1) For various procedures and notices related to matters such as processing registration of membership, collection of dues, and renewals
(2) For sending to members their membership cards and other materials, as well as JART bulletins and various announcements
(3) For personal identification in various procedures
(4) For various procedures and notices related to participation in various events
(5) For communication related to screening and approval/rejection and other matters related to applications for titles and radiologist status, and renewal thereof
(6) To request participation in various surveys and other activities
(7) For preparation of statistical data processed so that it cannot be used to identify individuals
(8) For various communications to prefectural 'Radiological Technologists' Association
(9) To send materials such as notifications of services provided by the JART
(10) For personal identification related to inquiries from Users
(11) To identify parties attempting to use services for improper or inappropriate purposes and refuse such use
(12) To carry out JART activities associated with the above purposes of use
However, personal information may be used beyond the extent described above when the Users themselves have consented thereto or when authorized on an exceptional basis under the Act on the Protection of Personal Information or other laws or regulations.

Article 3. Methods of collection of personal information
The JART may collect personal information such as name, date of birth, address, telephone no. and email address when a User registers to use a service. It also may collect from its partners information concerning transaction records or settlement of payment, including Users' personal information exchanged between the Users and such partners.

Article 4. Changes to purposes of use
The JART may change the purpose of use of personal information only in cases that can be considered reasonably to be related to the purpose of use prior to such change. When a purpose of use has been changed, the individual Users concerned shall be notified of the purpose of use after such change through the method specified by the JART, and such purpose of use shall be announced on the JART website and the member information system.

Article 5. Joint use of personal information
The JART may use personal information as described in Article 1 jointly with the prefectural 'Radiological Technologists' Associations to which the relevant members belong, for the purposes of use described in Article 2.

Article 6. Provision of personal information to third parties
1. The JART shall not provide personal information to third parties without the Users' prior consent, except in the cases enumerated below:
(1) When in accordance with laws and regulations;
(2) When it is necessary to protect human life, health, or property, and it would be difficult to obtain the consent of the individuals concerned;
(3) When it is necessary to cooperate in the execution of activities as stipulated in laws or regulations by a national or local government agency or a party entrusted with such activities by such an agency, and obtaining the consent of the individuals concerned could impede the execution of such operations;
(4) When notification or announcement of all of the following items has been conducted:
A) The fact that provision to third parties is included in the purposes of use;
B) The items of data provided to third parties;
C) The means or methods of provision to third parties;
D) The fact that provision of personal information to third parties will cease if so demanded by the individual concerned;
E) How demands from the individuals concerned are received.
2. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, recipients of provision of information do not qualify as third parties in the following cases:
(1) When the JART has subcontracted all or part of the handling of personal information within the scope necessary to achieve the purposes of use;
(2) When jointly using personal information with a specific party and the individuals concerned have been notified in advance of the following information, or the following information has been provided in a state in which it is easily accessible to the individuals concerned: the fact of joint use of personal information, the items of personal information jointly used, the scope of parties with whom it is jointly used, the purposes of use of the parties with whom it is jointly used, and the name and title of the person responsible for management of the personal information.

Article 7. Security of personal information
1. The JART shall manage personal information appropriately, taking appropriate security measures and striving to prevent cases such as leakage of, loss of, and damage to personal information.
2. The JART shall not be liable for handling of personal information on external websites linked from the JART website and the member information system.

Article 8. Disclosure of personal information
1. When a User has demanded disclosure of his or her personal information, it shall be disclosed without delay in accordance with the provisions of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, after first verifying that the request is from the User concerned by the personal information him or herself. However, if such disclosure would meet any of the descriptions enumerated below, then the information may not be disclosed, in whole or in part. In such a case, the User shall be notified of such fact without delay.
(1) When doing so could be detrimental to the life, health, property, or other rights or interests of the individual concerned or a third party;
(2) When doing so could markedly impede the appropriate execution of JART business activities;
(3) In other cases that could violate laws or regulations.
2. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, Users shall be notified if there is a possibility that information concerning them could be provided to a third party. In such a case, the Users may reject such sharing of their personal information.

Article 9. Correction and deletion of personal information
1. A User may, through the procedures specified by the JART, demand that the JART make corrections, additions, or deletions to any incorrect personal information concerning him or her that is in the possession of the JART (hereinafter referred to as "corrections etc.").
2. When the JART has received from a User a demand as described in the preceding paragraph and has judged that there is a need to accept such demand, it shall make corrections etc. to the relevant personal information without delay.
3. When the JART has made corrections etc., or has decided not to make such corrections etc., in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph it shall notify the User thereof without delay.

Article 10. Revisions to the Policy
1. The content of this Policy may be revised without notifying Users, except as provided for otherwise in laws, regulations, or this Policy.
2. Except as provided for otherwise by the JART, the revised Policy shall take effect upon its being posted to the JART website following approval by the Board of Trustees.

Article 11. Inquiries
Please direct any inquiries regarding this Policy to the contact point shown below.

Our office ( The Japan Association of Radiological Technologists office )
Address : 22F Mita Kokusai Building,1-4-28.Mita,Minato-ku, Tokyo, 108-0073, Japan
Phone : +813 4226 2211
e-mail address : info@jart.or.jp